Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Galentine's Day!

Galentine's Day is the most magical day of the year in my opinion.  My terminally single ass would rather spread love to my friends instead of focusing on the fact that no one will be giving me cheap flowers from the super market tomorrow. Valentine's Day has always been my least favorite holiday since I was little. I hated having to pass out valentines to my classmates, and usually ended up throwing away any valentines I received...I was strictly in it for the candy. As I got older I continued my hatred of the holiday after suffering through years of being asked why I'm single on Valentine's Day, and having 'well meaning' people in my life try to set me up with their cousin's aunt's nephew's barber who has a humpback and is just out of prison. Sorry, but I'm going to have to pass.  Now, I'm not just a bitter single girl. I love watching couples in love. I just don't see the point of putting a ton of pressure to showcase your love on one day of the year. Shouldn't that be an every day thing?

I love the idea of celebrating the fierce and beautiful friends that I have in my life. Those girls have been through quite a bit with me, and I like being able to take a day out of the year to acknowledge their awesomeness. Friend love is more valuable than anything in my life right now. We need to spend more time fostering female relationships and empowering each other. I am not able to spend Galentine's Day with my friends this year, but those ladies have quite a few inappropriate Galentine's Day texts to look forward to today!

Happy Galentine's Day!

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